Thursday, August 7, 2008

The difference between houses and homes...

There are a number of different ways to spend a night in Chile.

The first two are Hotels and Hospedajes. The difference between an average hotel and an average hospedaje is negligible, though hotels might actually be very high quality (and high cost) but a hospedaje is always average.

Next is a Residencial. A residencial has the amount of rooms like a hotel, but the price of a hostel. You get your own room instead of sharing in a hostel, and even a TV, but the quality is generally the lowest of all of these here. A residencial's atomosphere is generally decided by the atitude of the owner.

Fourth is the Hostería. I have never been to a hostería, so, as Wittgenstein once put it, where our world ends there we must be silent. I cannot comment.

Fifth is the Hostel. Like a hostel anywhere else in the world, it is a large commune with a bunch of travelers from around the world. This is a prefered way to travel if you are going solo, with friends, or on a budget.

Things I miss about home:

1. Music. That means picking out the music I want to listen to. Besides, I bought a CD here of Los Bunkers (a great band, by the way, so check them out) and I have nothing to play it on!

2. More travel companions. Traveling solo means I have no one to enjoy this place with. Friends don't let friends travel alone.

Things I don't miss about home:

1. Liquor law.


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