Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Intention (not Intentionality)

Before this blog became the face of my venture into Chile, this was a philosophical blog. To a handful of people's delight (and to the overwhelming majority's boredom) this blog is returning to that purpose.

Anyways, here is my reading list for the rest of the summer.

The reading list for the rest of the Summer!:

Mind, by Searle 50% done (I think it's boring and that I wish Searle mentioned more cognitive studies)

The Veil of Isis: an Essay on the Idea of Nature, by Hadot 15% done (So far, second best book of the summer)

Memory, History, Forgiveness, by Ricoeur 1% done (I have rarely felt so stupid, except when reading Deleuze or Derrida)

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, by Kundera 2%done (So far, this book is AWESOME.)

Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing?, by Kolakowski 90% done (It's a pretty-good treatment of philosophy's fundamental question(s). Read it for its summary of Parmenides.)

God and the Philosophers, edited by Norris 95% done (Great talk by 10 philosophers over the subject of God, religion and reality.)

The Best in Science and Nature Writing 2003, edited by Richard Dawkins 15% done

The Best in Science and Nature Writing 2004, edited by Stephen Pinker 100% done

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